Top 3 Benefits of Body Microneedling

Having healthy, glowing skin is a sign of vitality and caring for your skin is not only important for its aesthetic value, but it can also help promote overall health and well-being. With the right skin care routine you can keep your skin looking and feeling its best. After all, our skin is the biggest organ in our body and we need to take care of it!

In this blog, we are going to chat about the benefits of microneedling and acupuncture for scars, stretch marks and loose skin, what to expect during treatment, as well as post-treatment aftercare.

The bonus of our body microneedling treatment is we use a whole body approach to our treatments. We incorporate microneedling and acupuncture to optimize your health for better results. This treatment can be added to your other microneedling sessions with us.

Microneedling is a natural and effective way to rejuvenate your body. This treatment has many benefits, including reducing scars and tightening loose skin. It can help your skin look and feel younger by boosting collagen production and improving skin texture. With this non-invasive procedure, you can expect to see improvements in skin tone and firmness and get the peace of mind that comes with knowing you're doing something beneficial for your skin.

What is Microneedling and how does it work for the body?

Microneedling is the insertion of very fine short needles in a machine set into the skin for rejuvenation. This process helps in the rapid regeneration of collagen and elastin, as well as epidermal cells. Collagen is a protein that gives the skin its structure and firmness, while elastin offers elasticity and flexibility. As a result, the skin becomes stronger, tighter, and smoother.

Micro-stimulation allows for the release of serum-containing cytokines and growth factors. This induces healthy fibroblast production that stimulates collagen and elastin to increase skin thickness and promotes the deposition of fresh new collagen without scar formation. Clinically and in research studies, microneedling has been shown to be an effective treatment option given its quick post-treatment recovery, limited side effects and significant clinical results. If you're curious to learn more about microneedling, check out previous blog posts, where we discussed the benefits of microneedling for facial rejuvenation and hair loss.

Microneedling for the body is a similar process but it’s carried out on a larger scale than microneedling for the face. The treatment targets areas with loose skin, such as the abdomen, arms, thighs, and buttocks. 

Cellulite for example a common problem for patients can be improved with body microneedling. This helps to smooth out lumps and bumps, reduce the appearance of cellulite and make the skin look more toned. Cellulite involves inflammation and alterations in the biochemistry, structure and morphology of our tissues. Microneedling and acupuncture reduce inflammation and improve oxygenation and blood flow to rejuvenate and optimize our skin.

Overall, body microneedling and acupuncture treatments can help promote healthy skin, reduce wrinkles and stretch marks, improve cellulite, and help rejuvenate the body. The results are visible shortly after treatment but optimal benefits can take up to three months. It is important to follow our after-care instructions for the best outcome such as avoiding sun exposure, applying our Glow Face Oil, our recommended serum, drinking plenty of water, and eating foods high in antioxidants to further help with tissue repair.


Benefits of Microneedling for the Body

At Unplug Hour we use a combination of microneedling and acupuncture to help treat body issues such as cellulite, scars, stretch marks and loose skin. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that has been used for centuries to promote healing in the body.

There are numerous benefits to microneedling for the body. Some of the advantages include: 

1. Tightening and Toning Loose Skin 

The primary benefit of microneedling for the body is its ability to tighten and tone loose skin. The treatment stimulates collagen and elastin production, which helps to improve the texture and appearance of your skin. 

2. Minimizes Scars and Stretch Marks 

Microneedling can also be useful in minimizing the appearance of scars and stretch marks. The treatment creates stimulation that signals the skin to heal and produce more collagen, promoting oxygenation which in turn can help to optimize cellular repair to reduce the visibility of these marks. 

3. Promotes Healthy Blood Circulation

Microneedling promotes healthy blood circulation, which can help to improve your overall skin health. When your skin is nourished with essential nutrients and oxygen, it looks and feels healthier. 

What should I expect in my body microneedling session?

At Unplug Hour Wellness we chat about your symptoms and medical history. The very first thing that you can expect in a microneedling session is a discussion with one of our acupuncturists about your symptoms and medical history.

Your acupuncturist will create a tailored microneedling and acupuncture roadmap for you. This is how we decide what acupuncture points to focus on in conjunction with your microneedling treatment and how many sessions you will most likely need to have before to start seeing the results you are looking for.

Next, you get to relax on one of our comfortable, hand-crafted massage tables while the acupuncturist starts gently placing several needles on various points of your body to help move your blood and qi. These specific points are called meridians and are the energy channels of your body. These specific points are based on what your body needs and will follow with your treatment plan and the area you are trying to improve. The combination of acupuncture and microneedling is what helps you receive maximum results in minimal time.

The whole procedure takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. You can expect to come out of your treatment relaxed and rejuvenated as Unplug Hour provides a very relaxing environment with dimmed lights and quiet music during your treatment session. Microneedling may cause temporary redness, swelling, or bruising which can last from one to seven days depending on your skin, although these side effects and redness typically subside within 24-48 hours. These symptoms can last longer depending on the intensity of your treatment and your skin type. Your skin may feel tighter after treatment in which we use a nourishing serum to aid in the process of healing. All our products are all-natural and will optimize your skin cells.

At Unplug Hour our team is well-trained and will work with you to go at the pace/depth you feel most comfortable.

Post Treatment Care

You will want to avoid direct sun and any active skin care products for the next seven days. Also, it is recommended to avoid increasing the temperature in the body through exercise, hot tubs, and steam rooms for at least 24-48 hours. Microneedling on the body can be performed every 3-4 weeks until desired results are achieved. Microneedling can improve the appearance of your skin and make you look younger!

Make the most of Microneedling with your skin care routine

Microneedling for the body is a safe and effective way to tighten and tone loose skin. The treatment stimulates collagen and elastin production, which helps to improve the texture and appearance of your skin. It’s a non-invasive procedure that has little to no downtime, making it a popular option for people looking to improve their skin’s appearance. If you’re interested in microneedling for the body book a session with us at Unplug Hour Wellness and let us help you get started on the path to healthier-looking skin.

To find out more about microneedling for your body and to determine if it’s right for you, please reach out to our team at Unplug Hour Wellness. We are here to help!

Go for it, this is your time!