Pre- Birth Acupressure Support

Pre- birth acupuncture sessions are highly recommended to support you during the final weeks of your pregnancy to prepare you for childbirth. Clinically and scientifically acupuncture has been proven to naturally help decrease the duration of labour and decrease discomfort and reduce uncomfortable symptoms that may arise during these times. Usually consistent treatments are recommended starting around 37 weeks to help promote natural labour.

If you are unable to see your practitioner during this time here are some pressure points you can do at home to help during this time:

There are many other points that may beneficial for you during this time please discuss with your practitioner.

Stomach 36 (ST 36)

One of the most powerful acupuncture points on the body! It is located 4 fingers down from the patella on the outside border of your tibia bone. Usually it is sensitive upon pressure.


Gallbladder 34 (GB 34)

Helps relax and soften the ligaments. Close in location to ST 36, on the outside of the leg, anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula.


Spleen 6 (SP 6)

Used to aid in cervical dilation. Located 4 fingers above the inner ankle bone. In the tender spot under the tibia bone.


If you are past your due date (40 weeks plus):

Large intestine (LI 4) pressure point is a great choice to help promote labour, this point can be used during delivery as well. Your partner can assist you!

LI 4 is located between the web of the first and second finger.


Please note LI 4 and SP 6 are contraindicated any other time during your pregnancy.

There are many other points that may beneficial for you during this time please discuss with your practitioner.