10 Summer Wellness Tips From Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Summer is the time to be in harmony with our environment; to wake early when the sun is rising and utilize this time to be creative. As the flowers reach full bloom and flourish, we need to as well.

So, to help you stay healthy and happy this summer, we’ve created a simple wellness guide to get you through the hot summer months. Cool down with these 10 holistic summer wellness tips for your mind, body, and soul. All these tips are guided by Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Let’s dive in.

Summer and Traditional Chinese Medicine Wisdom

Summer is a time of openness and expansive abundance.

The fresh vital flavors, colors, and textures of many fruits and vegetables ripen and so do our senses.

According to Chinese medicine, summer is yang in nature. It is a time of growth, lightness, outward activity, and creativity. This is why everyone wants to be outside- your creative juices are wanting to break free.

Allow yourself to explore and immerse yourself in nature. 

Summer wellness tips rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine

1. Keep yourself hydrated

Drink plenty of water to stay cool and hydrated this summer. Drink more water whilst reducing your caffeine intake. Dehydration is unhealthy as it may lead to muscle cramps that could cause dry skin and electrolyte imbalances. 

Besides, when you don’t consume enough water during the summer heat, you may feel overheated, dizzy, and tired especially during exercise. Ensure you drink at least 8- 10 glasses of water daily, depending on your body size and activity level. 

A good way to determine whether or not you have been drinking enough water is by checking the colour of your urine. If it is light yellow, you are probably well hydrated but if it is bright yellow, it is a sign that you need to start drinking more water.

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2. Warm is good

Drinking and eating warm food such as teas, soups, and pungent foods will push the heat of the body to the surface, actually releasing it through perspiration and cooling your body temperature naturally. 

Similarly, bitter taste is related to the fire element. So choosing food with a bitter taste can also have a cooling effect on the body.

Incorporate fresh drinks and teas with elderflower, mint, lemon, calendula, lavender, yarrow, and mint. Contrary to popular belief, eating very cold and contracting foods such as ice drinks and ice cream will actually hold in the heat and injure your digestive system.

3. Experiment with eating less

Eat less and eat lighter food that you can find at your local farmers’ market such as cucumbers, lemons, mung beans, barley, sprouts, lettuce, radishes, celery, arugula, and fresh ginger. The energetic property of these foods will help keep your body in sync with summer, allowing you to naturally cool down.

In fact, a cup of cucumber slices is "nearly as thirst-quenching as a glass of water," according to Eating Well magazine.

Moreover, consume plenty of brightly colored summer fruits and vegetables during these hot months. Use water to steam or simmer foods rather than sauteing. If you do sauté, use high heat for a very short time with minimal oils.

Common fruits to incorporate into your diet are cherries, apples, raspberries, hawthorn berries, watermelons, and peaches. As well, look at growing your own fresh herbs such as basil, cilantro, mint, sage, chives, parsley, and dill.

4. Connect with mother nature through food

Summer is also the time of the year that we have to connect further with mother nature. 

Mother nature is the centre: it nourishes us, providing virtues of reciprocity and integrity that we need for ourselves and the world. Foods that are nourishing are soaked and well-cooked whole grains such as oats, sweet rice, and quinoa, that help ground us during this “fire” time of the year.

And while you are at it, don’t throw away your rice water just yet! This starchy liquid is known to contain many healthy amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that aid in digestion, boosts energy, and promote healthy skin and hair.

5. Choose healthy proteins

Summer is the time to eat lighter. 

So, if you are enjoying a nice summer barbecue with friends, opt for lean fish, poultry, or lean organic steaks. These won’t only help you manage your weight but also reduce your risk of developing diabetes, obesity, cancer, and other life-threatening diseases.

Whether you love steak or are vegan, we have you covered. Here are some nutritious proteinous foods you can consider grilling this summer:

  • Salmon

  • Lean grass-fed beef

  • Turkey burgers

  • Chicken breast

  • Shrimp

  • Sweetcorn

  • Eggplant

  • Mushroom

  • Tofu

6. Pack healthy snacks for your picnic

To ensure you don’t get off track with healthy eating, healthy nutrient-dense foods like when you are heading out to the park, a hike, or the beach. Here are some great examples:

• Greek yogurt

• Pea chips or other vegetable chips

• Reduced-fat string cheese

• Almond butter, peanut butter, or sunflower butter

• Hummus with pita chips, veggies, or pretzels

• Dries or fresh fruit

• Nuts or seeds

7. Go out and have fun

What better season to get out and play with friends and family than summer! Call your friends and family, pack your bathing suit and head out to whatever nature your region has to offer.

Born and bred in Vancouver, we simply cannot refuse an invitation to go to some of North Vancouver’s most beautiful hikes and rivers. We also love heading Downtown and getting our tan on at English Bay Beach.

So, this summer, turn off Netflix, get off your phone, and do these outdoor activities instead:

• Cool down and swim in a lake

• Hang out in a nature reserve or park

• Bike through the forest or along the ocean

• Challenge yourself with a new hike

Activities like these dramatically improve your mental health, improve your sleep quality, and fight obesity. Being active also reduces your risk of developing heart problems, cancer, and skin diseases.

8. Be mindful of the sun

Older adults are more likely to get affected by the harmful UV rays of the sun than children. 

So how do you get your daily dose of vitamin D without hurting yourself? Well, instead of dousing yourself in sunscreen, did you ever try eating your sunscreen instead? NO, we don’t mean this literally, of course. But there are plenty of foods that can protect you from the sun inside out. Here are some examples:

  • Foods rich in good fats: Omega 3, leafy vegetables and fish.

  • Antioxidants: Berries and dark chocolate

  • Consider upping your Vitamin D

9. Cool off with Chinese medicine

Do you tend to feel more irritable, anxious and restless on hot days? This is not as uncommon as you may think.

Studies have shown that people experience increased frustration and anger in the summer months. This is because the exposure to hot temperatures increase your heart rate, which leads to discomfort. And this, in turn, can lead to some colorful language and impulsive decision-making.

Luckily, Chinese medicine has the power to tonify your yang, Qi and blood so your body shifts back to center. So you can feel lighter and more in flow.

If you want to learn more about Chinese medicine, one of our acupuncturists would love to support you. Simply send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

For now, here are some ways Chinese medicine can help:

  • Acupressure can dispel heat from the body and ease irritability

  • Acupuncture sessions will unblock your energy channels and allow your blood and Qi to flow freely

  • Mung bean tea can prevent and decrease the symptoms of dehydration, headaches, and abdominal bloating.

10. Keep your surroundings fresh and cool

Summer is the time for growth and expansion. But we need to tune into the body so we can listen to what it needs best during hot days. This might mean waking up earlier to enjoy the morning sun and going back indoor when the heat is at its peak. 

Consider staying out a little later to socialize and schedule plenty of downtime so your body can relax and replenish. Use natural bamboo curtains, air coolers, and good fans to keep your room ventilated.

Do you heat up too quickly? Placing your feet in cold water is an effective way of cooling the entire body temperature quickly. In fact, studies show that a full immersion in cold water up to the neck is the most effective cooling method for patients having a heat stroke.

Make your wellness a priority this summer

Tame your fire, bring more balance to your energies and stay healthy this summer with our wellness and health tips. We wish you a fun and exciting summer full of adventures, love and self-discovery!

And, if you want to explore the world of holistic healing and Traditional Chinese Medicine, we invite you to check out our Acupuncture services. Come visit us anytime you are in Downtown Vancouver!

Were our tips helpful? Make sure to share this with loved ones who can benefit from them too. Also, how about getting a head start and prepping for autumn as well? Click below to head over to our blog on Autumn nutrition tips!

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