9 Winter Wellness Tips From Traditional Chinese Medicine

Winter is coming. And with the impending seasonal change, many people find themselves falling sick or suddenly developing health problems that they’ve never had before.

And it is not only the body that is affected. Your mind is too.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is one such health complication that people can experience during a change in season. Its symptoms include loss of concentration, feeling hopeless, tiredness, and social withdrawal.

So, if you’re ready for less gloom and more bloom, keep reading our blog post today. 

We will be delving into 9 simple, yet effective, ways you can stay happy and healthy during the winter season. We’ll explore the best foods to eat, as well as other activities you should indulge in to stay safe and warm while the rain and snow ravage on. 

And since we are all about holistic healing, all our tips are rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Let’s dive right in.

Winter and Traditional Chinese Medicine Wisdom

To be balanced in all aspects emotionally, physically, and spiritually we must live in harmony with the seasons.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, winter represents the most Yin. Yin is the dark winter days, cold, slow in motion, and tends to have an inward energy. 

Winter is also associated with Kidney energy which is our body’s most fundamental energy. It is important to nourish ourselves during this time to stay healthy.

Keep reading to find out how we can achieve this.

9 Winter wellness tips rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine

1. Change your diet


The way you eat and what you eat this winter is going to determine how healthy and happy you will be. Foods that helped you feel cool and fresh in the summer won’t do it for the winter, so a change-up is needed. Here are some foods you could eat to help you through the blizzard. 

Soup: We all know intuitively that soup is incredibly good for our health. However, you should abstain from using too much salt, cream, or oil to reap the full benefits. The ideal way to prepare your soup is to make it water-based and pack it with veggies and healthy proteins with a pinch of salt. A hot bowl of chicken soup has the power to soothe the soul. Bone broth is also a powerful source to supplement and nourish our body’s energy.

Broccoli and cauliflower: There’s something uniquely amazing about these veggies. They are both rich in vitamin C, making them effective defenders against winter illnesses helping keep the immune system function. If the cold weather makes it hard to procure these green beauties in the fresh produce section, frozen packs of broccoli and cauliflower can be just as effective. 

Porridge: Lunchtime could feel far from breakfast on an empty stomach. To keep you full and energized, try some porridge for breakfast. You could throw in other little delicious healthy ingredients such as nuts, seeds, dates, apples, and honey.

Warm Milk: Milk, yogurt, and other dairy products are ideal food items to be added to your diet in the winter season. They contain vitamins A, B12, calcium, and proteins. This helps in keeping you warm and healthy. Catching a cold during winter is quite a regular occurrence, but frequently drinking warm milk can prevent you from falling ill. Add some turmeric or honey for some extra health benefits.

Cheese, Eggs, and Fish: Not only are these tasty, but these foods are also rich in vitamin B12, making them a great immunity booster. They also help in the reduction of fatigue, and interestingly, they can be eaten at any time of the day.

Root Veggies: As much as finding fresh veggies during winter poses a challenge, root veggies such as turnips, carrots, and the likes are quite easy to get. You can eat these root veggies raw, boiled, or roasted. They contain vitamins A and C and lots of beta-carotene.

Drink More Water: Staying hydrated is one of the simplest things you could do for yourself during the winter season. Be sure you add more water to your diet to prevent dehydration as the cold weather may condition your body to lose more fluids via urination. Water also helps in stimulating your metabolism. 

2. The way you cook matters

The method of cooking during this winter season is low heat, less water, and cooking for a longer period. 

Utilize the crock-pot, roasting, and baking methods. Remember to cook with the natural foods that grow in this present season as this creates harmony between you and nature ultimately creating balance.

3. Snack with moderation 

Many of us end up overeating and snacking during the winter months, due to boredom or feeling a bit low. 

We’ve all done it. And we’re not asking you to delete all your snacks and sweets from your diet entirely. Instead, be more mindful of what you are eating and how much of it you are eating. Stroke the right balance so that you are limiting your intake of salts and sugars. 

For instance, instead of indulging in cookies, have only one with a big cup of tea. Also, try to replace them with sugar-free, low-fat alternatives that can taste just as good. We prefer a nice granola bar packed with nuts, dried fruit, and dark chocolate.

Many times a craving is a sign that you are simply dehydrated. A glass of water might do the trick!

4. Keep your home warm

Having a fireplace or heater in the home is an ideal way to keep your home warm during the winter season. By keeping yourself warm, you stay protected against drops in temperature that can affect your body's ability to fight off viruses and infections.

Other than good heating, there are many other ways to keep the cold out of the house, like

  • Taking hot drinks regularly 

  • Using a hot water bottle or electric blanket to keep yourself warm in bed

  • Keeping the doors and windows closed, and the curtains drawn. 

  • Ensuring you take all your meals hot

  • Wear warm, comfortable clothes

5. Get enough sleep

Having an ample amount of sleep ensures your body’s immune system stays functional. It also removes the stress hormone cortisol and burns off calories. 

Enough sleep is essential to strengthen your kidney energy and improve your overall health during the winter season. We recommend you sleep between 6-8 hours every night.

6. Give up smoking 

Smoking during the winter season makes one vulnerable to several respiratory complications and diseases which will only get quite worse during winter. Thus, you should find out a way to get off the addiction.

7. Don’t skip your workout

Continue implementing your exercise routine during this time of the year so your Qi and blood continue to move appropriately, however, avoid workouts that can cause excessive sweating.

Here’s a surprising fact. Working out during the winter months might provide benefits the summer does not offer. For instance, according to Dr. Adam Tenforde, assistant professor at Harvard, cold weather may improve endurance since your heart doesn't have to work as hard, you sweat less, and expend less energy. 

If you are working out outdoors, make sure to wear warm clothes and stay hydrated. Dehydration causes the body’s core temperature to drop, and this could result in hypothermia.

8. Drink more tea

A hot cup of ginger tea helps you stay warm in the winter season. Ginger is quite good for digestive health and it is good in the stimulation of thermogenesis; a process in which the body generates heat caused as a result of food metabolism.

But it’s not only ginger that has magical powers.

Explore the world of Chinese herbal teas that not only warm up your body and soul but also offer incredible benefits like:

  • Eliminating toxins from the body

  • Helping weight loss

  • Helping prevent heart disease

  • Improving muscle endurance

  • Regulating blood sugars

  • Strengthening your gums and teeth

  • Improving digestion

9. Socialize more

Socializing is good for your mind and body.

When it’s cold outside, all we want to do is stay under the blankets all day long. But over time you start feeling your moods start to shift from being isolated and bored.

So, make the effort to reach out to loved ones for a virtual chat or a get-together. Go get a coffee, invite them home or enjoy a movie night together. 

All these intimate moments help you destress and bond over good and bad times, life hurdles, and confronting situations.

Enter these cold winter months mindfully

Winter can be as exciting and colorful as summer if we do it right. The changing of the seasons is an amazing time to take control of your health and begin to adopt new habits that would help you stay fit and healthy. 

So, go ahead and use this guide to help you take your next step.

Were our tips helpful? Make sure to share this with loved ones who can benefit from them too. Also, how about getting a head start and prepping for spring as well?

And, if you want to explore the world of holistic healing and Traditional Chinese Medicine, we invite you to check out our Acupuncture services. Come visit us anytime you are in Downtown Vancouver!
