Acupuncture for Reproductive Support

Women’s and Men’s Reproductive Health


If you are struggling with anxiety, stress, hormonal imbalances, menstrual irregularities, low sperm count etc… and are frustrated and unsure why? You are not alone, through acupuncture, herbal medicine and lifestyle education you are able to gain control of your health to optimize imbalances you are experiencing. We work with you to balance hormonal imbalances and regulate the bodies natural processes so when conception occurs the body is more responsive. We will support you along your journey to motherhood and fatherhood to relieve stress and complications that may arise and to help with labor induction and postpartum. If you are on the path of utilizing assisted reproductive treatments such as IVF/IUI, we can support you through this by decreasing side effects of medications utilized, reducing stress due to emotional factors, and optimize your reproductive environment to be more responsive to treatments.

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey and many hormonal, emotional, physical changes occur within your body. Acupuncture is a safe, natural and effective treatment option to consider to help decrease some of the symptoms you are experiencing.

Some of the conditions that can be treated during pregnancy and postpartum:

Threatened miscarriage
Morning sickness (nausea and vomiting)
Digestive complaints (constipation, acid reflex, loose stools, hemorrhoids)
Depression and anxiety
Allergies, colds, weakened immune system
Muscoskeletal pain such as back pain/knee pain
High blood pressure
Optimizing baby’s position (breech position)
Preparation for labour (cervical ripening, natural induction)
Labour induction

Anxiety, depression
Insufficient breast milk
Blocked ducts or mastitis
Low energy
Digestive complaints
Weakened immune system (sweating)