Top 5 Ways to Age Gracefully

Have you ever met someone well into their nineties that look like they are still in their sixties? 

You may have asked yourself what is the secret to their hidden youth, only to think that it must be “good genes”. 

Today we are going to unpack the five overarching lifestyle factors that will help keep you youthful and make you feel younger than the age on your driver’s license. 

Time is ticking, let’s get started.

Relaxing Vancouver BC

1) Reduce your STRESS

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of reducing stress in your life. Take a moment to analyze your day and your current stress levels. What is triggering those stressful situations? What are you saying to yourself in those moments? And how can you make some changes to prolong our most precious commodity? 

Schedule time to unwind  in your calendar. Whether this involves simply guilt-free time or a formal relaxation technique, do what works best for you. Some relaxation techniques include visualization of calming images, meditation, yoga, massage, tai chi, qi gong, music, cold water plunges, infrared light therapy and different breathing techniques.

Mindfulness helps decrease stress, bringing your attention to the present. To practice this, try progressive muscle relaxation in which you concentrate on tensing and then relaxing each muscle group in your body. Psychological stress is associated with increased oxidant production and oxidative damage; therefore, chronic stress may increase the risk of many diseases. 

2) Hydration is Key

Cleanse your body by drinking enough water. Make sure your water is either sourced from a local spring or you use a water filter in order to hydrate on a cellular level.  Many cities use tons of chemicals to cleanse their water but those chemicals can affect individuals in different ways.  Drinking enough water will help your body flush out toxins, maintain your bodily functions and keep your kidneys healthy. 

Studies have shown that how you drink your water can be just as important as how much you drink. Sipping water throughout the day is better than gulping  your water bottle all at once. By gulping water you are not allowing your body to naturally absorb the water, but instead overloading your kidneys. 

The amount you need will be influenced by your body weight, your activity level and the climate you live in. The best way to stay hydrated is to drink enough water that you don’t feel thirsty. If you urinate infrequently or pass dark or cloudy urine, you probably need to drink more and if you still feel dehydrated after several litres, check in with your healthcare provider as your body may struggle absorbing it on a cellular level. 

Water with lemon

3) Proper Nutrition

We are what we eat, therefore food has a profound influence on how long we live. While there are numerous nutrition tips, we will talk about 3 easy ones to incorporate into your lifestyle.

  • Eat your antioxidants, such as berries, plums, nuts and seeds, which  help boost your immune system and help you age gracefully. Antioxidants reduce the harmful effects of free radicals in our bodies that cause oxidative stress. A study from Harvard University found that at least one serving of blueberries or two servings of strawberries each week may reduce the risk of cognitive decline in older adults.

  • Another superfood is garlic. Studies have found that phytochemicals in garlic can halt the formation of carcinogenic chemicals in the body and that women who eat more garlic have a lower risk of certain colon cancers.

  • Have you heard about the benefits of olive oil? Not only is it super delicious and healthy. This monounsaturated "good fat" is well known for its heart health and longevity benefits. Studies show that olive oil may also be linked to brain health and cancer prevention. Pour olive oil into your salads and on your foods, aiming for two tablespoons per day.  While olive oil is great to use on salads, using avocado oil and raw coconut oil are great alternatives for cooking and baking as they have a higher smoke point.  

4) Exercise Regularly

Exercise benefits both your physical and mental health. Physical activity strengthens your body, helps  control your weight, and improves your balance and coordination. Simultaneously, your body releases endorphins, which help you relax and feel good.

Try to alternate between aerobic exercise, strength training and stretching on a weekly basis. Aerobic exercise gets your heart rate up and improves your endurance; such as fast walking, swimming, power yoga, flow yoga and many types of sports. Strength training, like weight lifting, will improve your bone density and build muscle. Aim to do 30- 45 minutes of aerobic and strength training two times per week.

Frequency and duration of exercise varies for every individual. Please consult with your health practitioner to determine what is best for your body and goals.

Stretching is key; this often gets missed but our bodies require us to take time to stretch. Yoga, pilates and specific stretch classes are great ways to help improve your flexibility and to relax muscles. 

5) Sleep Well

Stay resilient by sleeping enough, try to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night. Some people may need even more. By not getting enough sleep, you are compounding the psychological stressors in your life with the physical stress of sleep deprivation. During sleep your body can detoxify and put energy into healing. Sleep is our body's way of flushing toxins, recovering and rejuvenating and it is one of the most important factors in aging gracefully.