Hot and Cold Showers

Contrast shower: Begin the alternating shower protocol towards the end of your shower. Start with a 3-minute soak in hot water. Turn the dial to as cold as you can reasonably tolerate for 30 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times, and end with cold.

Benefits of contrast showers:

· Powerful way to promote blood circulation. Your peripheral tissues will thank you! Great way to allow your cells and tissues to be nourished with nutrition.

· Boost your immune system. This helps stimulate white blood cell production in your blood, particularly leukocytes to keep your body away from harmful pathogens such as bacteria and yeast. Many studies have shown the benefits of contrast showers to help fight pathogens and infections due to increase in white blood cells.

· Helps with recovery post workout. Take a contrast shower within the first 72 hours after exercise and/or injury to help with recovery that may result from delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).

· Reduces stress. This method is known to decrease cortisol levels (stress hormone), as it helps balance the feel-good neurotransmitter serotonin and increase production of beta-endorphins which are “feel good” molecules that give you a good feeling!

Personal tip: Don’t start too cold! This will create a negative association within your brain and might stop you from trying again at the end of your next shower. Start with the water that is comfortably cool and work on decreasing the temperature over time. Even a slight difference in temperature between hot and cool water will be enough for your blood to get moving, and it is well worth it!

For more information on how to optimize your health check out our blog on: 10 Natural Tips for Immune Boost