Qi and Blood

Qi and blood depend on one another in order to fully implement their roles within the body to support and promote life activities. Blood insufficiency will induce Qi deficiency and can cause mental diminishment, forgetfulness, insomnia, irritability, fatigue, menstrual irregularities, anxiety, dizziness weakness of legs and other symptoms. Acupuncture therapy can help nourish your blood and support qi production to alleviate unwanted symptoms.

Qi, pronounced as Chi, in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is “life force”. This life force flows in physical, emotional and spiritual levels and is constantly changing and evolving, helping the universe and our bodies to heal. Qi spins electrons, planets and is responsible for all chemical reactions that take place. Qi moves everything in the universe. In the human body qi contracts and relaxes muscles, moves blood and fluids, creates what is needed for our body as fuel. Think of qi as water flow in nature, moving from high to low concentration, the flow of Qi provides constant source of energy. Qi is yang in nature, as qi moves it creates friction, which generates heat and warmth. Qi is immaterial, it cannot be captured but can be felt and created. The human body receives qi through food, air and our genes. Ginseng (Ren Shen in TCM) is a powerful herb that supports the qi of the body.  

Blood is denser and is the material form of qi. Blood delivers nourishment to all bodily parts. Blood is a yin substance, full of nutritional elements from food and liquids. It delivers essential nutrition to all organs and tissues so they can function optimally. Blood transports fluids and allows moistening of the body. Chinese Angelica herb Dang Gui, is widely used in clinical practice as it nourishes and moves the blood within the body. Food and fluids supply 95 percent of the nourishment, color and moisture within blood. Bone marrow supplies the remaining 5 percent. That is why eating bone broth is essential for nourishing your blood!

The basic understanding of Qi and blood will allow you to become cautious of the food and liquids in your diet as they are essential to your health and well being. Customized diet therapy that outlines ways to replenish Qi and nourish your blood are key in helping you optimize your treatments.

Please feel free to contact your health practitioner if you have further questions.