Spring Super Foods

As we transition into the warmer months, it is important to consider how Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can help us make the most of the spring season. "Shiliao" meaning food medicine is an ancient practice discovering the connection between nature and our food.

In this article we will be discussing how TCM can help unlock the benefits of spring foods, and why to do so is important. We will focus on the Liver and Gallbladder and how seasonal foods can help your Qi. We will provide specific foods and their benefits, and tips on how to clear stagnations. All of this and more in our Spring super food article below.

So take a minute to relax with a cup of your favourite tea and read on.

Liver and gallbladder

Spring marks the transition from winter's Yin energies to summer’s Yang energies. As nature flourishes during this time, seasonal foods are full of vital energy called Qi – meaning "life force".

One of the key organs in traditional Chinese medicine, particularly around this time of year, is the liver and gallbladder. These two organs are responsible for digestion and metabolic functions, and when healthy, can play a key role in supporting our physical wellbeing. While there are many ways to support our liver and gallbladder health, one of the most effective ways is through diet. Let's explore which foods to focus on this season, and how they can help with our overall health.

The liver/gallbladder system plays an important role in promoting physical health as well as emotional wellbeing. The liver regulates blood flow throughout the body while also cleansing toxins from our systems. It also controls our emotions by regulating qi throughout our bodies. Meanwhile, the gallbladder helps with digestion by storing bile produced by the liver which aids in breaking down fats in food. When these two organs are out of balance either due to poor nutrition, emotional stress, environmental factors it can lead to physical symptoms such as fatigue or digestive issues as well as emotional symptoms such as depression or anxiety.  

What are Springtime superfoods?

Springtime brings an abundance of fruits and vegetables that can be beneficial for supporting our liver and gallbladder health. For example, artichokes, asparagus, beets, bitter greens such as kale or dandelion greens, parsley, radishes, spinach, and turnips are all packed with antioxidants that can help detoxify these organs and support their healthy functioning. Additionally, lemons are high in Vitamin C which helps to boost your immune system while aiding in digestion. Fruits such as strawberries or blueberries contain high amounts of antioxidants which can help protect against free radicals that damage cells over time. Finally nuts such as almonds or walnuts contain natural fats that help nourish your body while providing essential fatty acids for overall wellbeing. All these foods should be eaten raw or lightly cooked (steamed or boiled) for maximum benefit during this time of the year. For an even greater boost of vitamins and minerals try adding some seasonal herbs such as dill, parsley or chives.

Let’s mix up your diet

When it comes to maintaining a balanced diet throughout springtime, variety is key! Eating a wide range of different fresh fruits and vegetables helps ensure that you get all the vitamins & minerals you need for optimal health during this time of year. Additionally adding herbs like ginger and turmeric to meals helps improve digestion and absorption of nutrients from food while boosting metabolism & immunity too! Furthermore don't forget about eating protein rich foods like fish or eggs, both provide essential amino acids necessary for proper functioning in traditional Chinese medicine food theory. Fresh spring produce such as bamboo shoots, mung beans, goji berries, lotus seeds, snow fungus and dried jujube fruit are all great additions to your diet. They help clear out any lingering winter stagnation and support our lung's during the seasonal changes. They can be added to stir-fries, soups and even salads for a delicious boost of nutrition.

Have you thought about doing a cleanse?

During Spring we want to focus on the expansive and rising quality of nature. Eating foods that are more sweet and pungent such as honey and mint to support the natural rhythms of this season. Spring is the season we start to eat less and naturally detoxify and cleanse our bodies from the heavy foods of winter. A spring cleanse is a great way to detoxify the body and jump start your health journey for the upcoming season.

There are many different kinds of cleanses, it is important to chat with our team as everyone's constitution and health is different. Foods such as basil, fennel, rosemary, dill, bay leaves, beets, carrots will support our liver and gallbladder's ability to cleanse. We suggest to cook for a shorter time at higher temperatures so foods is not overly cooked during this season.

Burgers versus salads, what causes liver stagnation?

Most of the liver stagnations we see clinically are due to overeating rich, greasy, spicy foods. This is going to be hard on the liver to detoxify and cleanse during Spring. It is important to promote circulation so we can avoid being stuck and stagnated. Spring is a time of growth, vision comes clearer and things are seen in a new light. A great time to connect with yourself and promote self awareness and self expression. Having the right nutritious foods will allow your organs and body to feel lighter and happier. Eating the correct foods will help us to stay on this path of growth and expansion. Your liver and gallbladder will thank you as you are functioning optimally while supporting overall wellbeing.

For individualized suggestions please contact us as the food you eat plays a huge part in your health and wellness.

Seasonal changes and your body

If we look closely at nature and discover it's natural healing properties, we can further support our bodies of chronic pain. Traditional Chinese Medicine offers great insight into how best to approach our diets according to seasonal changes especially during spring time when it comes to supporting our liver/gallbladder health! By focusing on a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables along with some proteins plus herbs we are getting most of the essential nutrients needed for proper functioning throughout this season. Remembering this advice will help us with the changes of this seasons and get our body and mind ready for the warmer months!

Embody healthy choices this Spring

We are what we eat it is important to take some time and meal prep for your week. Get friends and family involved, food is suppose to be a joyful journey with people you love. Alternatively, choose time during the week to break up your work week to cook. It is healthy to get creative with your food! Use seasonal fruits and vegetables as they are the most nutritious and environmentally a better choice. Check out your local farmers markets for seasonal foods. This helps our local farmers and intern ensures you have fresh, nutrient dense and better quality food for your cells.

Go ahead and use this guide to help you take your next step, and as you do so, enjoy this spring season to the maximum. If you have any specific questions about how our emotions and food are related to different seasons please feel free to reach out to the team at Unplug Hour Wellness. Our expert acupuncturist and TCM practitioners are here to help you.

Did you find our tips helpful? If they were, please share this with loved ones who can benefit from them as well. If you want to get started in prepping for summer, read our summer blog here with our 10 summertime wellness tips.

Lastly, if you want to explore the world of holistic healing and Traditional Chinese Medicine, we invite you to check out our Acupuncture services. Come visit us anytime you are in Downtown Vancouver!